Saturday, February 17, 2007

"My View on India Poised"

Before reading Question your self, do u think India is ready to step out and scream in chorus with already developed countries? Well to know about my opinion read the following

At night., as I take a stroll after dinner I see street light shining brightly, I think about the TOI’s India poised campaign .A new India waiting to take its rightful place in the global era?? The anthem does make you think.Pepole say the job is now in the hands of the youth but I feel the
Older generation can also chip in and be a big part of contribution. we need guidance and good leaders .Timely placed natural calamities reminds us of the wonderful nature of the Indians but it also brings about the mismanagement of the funds. Terrorists keep popping up here and there bringing the nation to a standstill yet at the same time there are ordinary and young people particularly who are taking things into their own hands .Its these people who will be the face of the nation’s future .So its their obligation to show us right direction about where, what and when to do ?

I felt like India itself had two of its own kind. One India is straining at the leash, eager to spring forth and live up to all the adjectives that the world has been recently showering upon us. The other India is the leash. One India says "Give me a chance, and I'll prove myself." The other India says "Prove yourself first, and maybe then, you'll have a chance." One India lives in the optimism of our hearts. The other India lurks in the skepticism of our minds. One India wants. The other India hopes. One India leads. The other India follows .These conversions are on the rise. And quietly, while the world is not looking, a pulsating, dynamic India is emerging. An India whose faith in success is far greater than its fear of failure. An India that no longer boycotts foreign-made goods, but buys out the companies that makes them instead. For over half a century, our nation has sprung, stumbled, run , fallen, rolled over, got up and dusted our self, and cantered, sometimes lurched on. But now, in our sixtieth year as a free nation, the ride has brought us to the edge of time's great precipice. And one India, a tiny little voice at the back of the head, is looking down at the bottom of the ravine, and hesitating. The other India is looking up at the sky and saying, "It's time to fly."

So the next morning I see the newspaper fully covered with the colours of Indian flag reminiscing the school days when the whole school used to make dandi march to the stadium to see the events. A whole gamut of topics from Reality stage which witnessed the racial slur to the flag to be hoisted the president was mentioned. The nationwide media blitz -- India Poised -- would have us believe that we are now looking at a resurgent India like recent acquisitions over the companies, an economic and military powerhouse striding firmly towards its rightful place in the world. But there are many who disagree .Global corporations cite corruption, red tape, high inflation, poor laws and an infirm infrastructure as reasons for their not wishing to invest in India.

I have always believed in annotating any article I write with my conclusion. So my conclusion is “There is still a giant gap which makes India hard to take a leap on other side and sing in chorus with other countries”.So believing in statements likes “what ever affects India ,affects us “we should become liable for every step that we take in positioning our country. So In the process let us pray that Never shall a innocent blood be shed, yet the wicked man’s blood be flown like a river but not to be mistaken Violence as a way of life .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.