Is Linux suppose to be a replacement for Windows?This article which i found on this
site matches with my opinion
about Linux so i thought of sharing over here
Most opinions on the purpose of Linux fall into one of the following four categories.
1) Linux is for poor people and poor nations
“Linux is not intended to be a replacement for windows. It's developed to give poor college students (and why not others?) a free unix environment.”
2) Linux is macho GeekWare, not SissyWare
“Actually I don't even wish linux to become an alternative to windows. Windows focuses on user friendliness for users who don't want to learn their system ...”
“But I don't want it to be easy... I want it to set my skills on a hard test.”
3) Linux is not a replacement for Windows “ is not Windows clone, and it is not designed to be a replacement. “
“I don't think anyone in the Linux community cares if Linux catches on or not to replace windows or not.”
“...linux never was supposed to replace Windows among newbies and everyday users. Linux is intended to be used by serious users, not mom and pop who just use it for e-mail and movie listings. When if my Mom wud asked me if she should use linux, I wud tell her "hell no!" regardless of the fact that I'm a linux user.”
4) Linux is (or will soon be) a replacement to Windows “...if there was ever a distribution Linux users could point to and say 'this is the one that can replace Windows,' then this is the one.” (The author is referring to SuSE Linux 7.1 in a Linuxplanet article)